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Ghoul (グール, Gūru) also known by the nickname "Bok" (ボク, Boku), is one of the major enemies in the Boktai series, and also one of the most common. Ghouls are green zombie-like creatures created through the undeadening that serve the Immortals. They are very weak to sunlight.


Ghouls are green-skinned humanoid creatures with very thin limbs and a zig-zag mouth. They appear to be wearing purple pants and a large brown shirt. Their eyes, more resembling an animal, are of a yellow sclera without any pupils.


Ghouls roam around specific areas in dungeons, they are attracted to noise and will inspect any suspicious sound they hear. This can be used by Django to lure them into traps or direct combat.

When they spot an enemy, they attack with Klorofolun by summoning them to pursue the player. In Boktai 2 and 3, they spew out Liquid Klorofolun, which stays on the ground before evaporating.

The Frost and Flame versions of ghouls in the first game are able to summon klorofolun in a straight row to attack their target, the "red" versions of ghouls in this exact same title are able to summon a mallet to throw it against their enemy.


Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hand[]

In Istrakan there is a great variation of ghouls, which are easily differentiated by their colors and attacks. some of their variations appear in specific areas, and sunlight can also affect the behavior of some, making them faster or slower. time also affects them, since, depending on what time it is, the normal ghoul can increase or decrease their level, and during the night, they go outside. being the night more dangerous.

Image Name Property Information
Zombie B2 Zombie Dark This Ghoul is a major level of the normal one, has more Life and is more harder to stun. Attacks summoning and shooting Klorofolun.
Ghoul + B2 Ghoul + Dark This Ghoul is way more stronger that the previous ones, much more Life and difficult to stun. In a close range attacks shooting Klorofolun, at middle range drops a mallet that bounces to Django, and at large range summons Klorofolun.
Burnbok Burnbok Flame Fiery Hot Ghoul or Burnbok, has Flame property and the same statistics of the level 2 Ghoul. Attacks summoning and shooting Burrnun.
Chillbok Chillbok Frost Icy Cool Ghoul or Chillbok, has Frost property and the same statistics of the level 2 Ghoul. Attacks summoning and shooting Chillun.
Vanibok Vanibok Dark Vanibok has the same statistics of the level 2 Ghoul, it becomes invisible depending who much sunlight the Solar Sensor detects. Attacks summoning and shooting Vanissun.
Soldier Bok Globok Dark TBA
??? Ghoul Bokmin None A Bokmin is a ghoul that can be controlled with weight switches akin to a D-Pad. One of these appears in the Scar of the Land dungeon, and cannot interact with Django due to being out of his reach.

Boktai 2: Solar Boy Django[]

In San Miguel are just three types of Ghouls, and they attack with liquid Klorofolun.

Image Name Property Information
Ghoul (Gok) B2 Bok Dark Spews out Liquid Klolofolun.
Zombie B2 Zombie Dark Major level Ghoul, spews out Liquid Klolofolun.
Ghoul + B2 Ghoul+ Dark An advanced level ghoul. To find this Ghoul, it's necessary to kill 100 ghouls, after that, Boks and Zombies has an change of 10% to become a Ghoul+. The Parade armor can increase the change of appearance.

Boktai 3: Sabata's Counterattack[]

Image Name Property Information
Ghoul (Gok) B2 Bok Dark Spews out Liquid Klolofolun.
Zombie B2 Zombie Dark Major level Ghoul, spews out Liquid Klolofolun.
Ghoul + B2 Ghoul+ Dark A special Ghoul covered by the blood of his victims.

Lunar Knights[]

In Lunar Knights, standard Ghouls are red with black clothes (similar to Ghoul+ from previous games) and they don't use Klorofolun. They appear from the ground and attack enemies with bites.

Image Name Property Information
Ghoul BDS Ghoul Dark Attacks by bitting. Weak against sunlight.
Hot Ghoul LK Hot Ghoul Flame Attacks by bitting. Weak against sunlight.
Ice Ghoul BDS Ice Ghoul Frost Attacks by bitting. Weak against sunlight.
Aero Ghoul Cloud Attacks by bitting. Weak against sunlight.
Petro Ghoul Earth Attacks by bitting. Weak against sunlight.


A ghoul is a mythological monster from ancient Arabian folklore that dwells in burial grounds and other uninhabited places. The English word comes from the Arabic name for the creature: الغول al-ghūl, which literally means "demon".

A zombie is a creature that appears in folklore and popular culture typically as a reanimated corpse or a mindless human being. Zombies are a popular device in modern horror fiction.
